Hi, I am Nemetra! It is now or never. I am a debut author. My book is going to be published soon, and I am very excited. Because I’ve loved writing since I was a little girl. But life took me in a different direction, and only now I am developing my voice, building my second author identity – here, on my blog.
And just in case you are wondering, Nemetra is a pseudo name, of course. Why Nemetra? I would love to tell you something like ‘Nemetra was a Goddess of Order in Greek Mythology who could turn dreams into reality’. But, unfortunately, it would not be entirely true. Because I embrace it all – order and chaos. And life is messy sometimes. And it is ok. Nemetra was created because it sounds cool.
And many of you would probably cringe, but hopefully some of you would smile. It turns out, I am a private person. And even though I am carelessly entering the social media world of wonder, I would like to keep my privacy. Is it ok? Because my true identity agrees with Banksy, who famously wrote that ‘invisibility is a superpower’. I think so too. Because invisibility gives me a superpower indeed. The superpower to actually be me and share my thoughts and opinions. Because I have a few. More than a few. And sometimes I fear that they could chock me if I would not let them out.
And don’t think that you don’t know me. Because if you read my stories and my books – you do. More than you could have ever known me. Beyond appearances and fleeting visual perceptions.
The single purpose of my blog and my thought-provoking books is to make a difference. A positive one, I hope. To give people the ideas I hold close to my heart. The ideas of coping, loving, laughing and most importantly, being excited about living.
Life is a game, right? So, let’s play it! All of us. Following the rules, and sometimes breaking them too. This blog is FOR YOU, my dear readers, thinkers and wonderers who dare to search for philosophical answers and extraordinary stories.
Thank YOU!
Yours sincerely,
I would love to send you updates about my books, stories, news and offers.